Thursday, June 26, 2008

Andy's Soup

Posted by crackertoes |

Andy's Soup

I concocted this last week. Turned out really good:

1 large can diced tomatos
3 regular cans of chicken broth.
1 boneless chicken breast (frozen is OK.)
1 small package fresh celery
1 fresh jalepeno
1/2 cup brown instant rice
1/2 white onion
1 garlic bulb

Into soup pot, empty the three cans of chicken broth and the can of diced tomatos. Add instant brown rice. Heat.

Chop celery.
Dice onion.
Grate jalepeno as finely as possible.
Separate garlic into peeled, trimmed cloves.

Add celery, onion and jalepeno to soup.
Using a garlic press, press each clove directly into the soup.

Add whole chicken breast to soup. When it's completely cooked, remove it, dice it, and return it to soup.

When this soup is finished cooking, you'll have a tasty, low calorie, very filling soup that also will make the whole kitchen smell great!

