Sunday, November 15, 2009

Library Lady's Husband's Brisket

Posted by crackertoes |

Library Lady's Husband's Brisket

Here is how my husband does it, with a regular charcoal grill, not a smoker. He creates a smoker. Here is how:

Rub brisket down with Adams brisket rub, salt and pepper.

Create a pan using heavy aluminum foil - to match your size meat. On the grill make a small mound of coals, about 15 or so. Light the coals. When the coals are white and smoking, put meat on. Arrange air vents so that the smoke is drawn over the meat. As the meat smokes, you will need to add 2-3 coals (charcoal briquets) from time to time. Smoke it for about 6-8 hours....(Time consuming, but the taste is worth it.) After this, wrap meat in foil and put in oven for at 250 for 2 hours. Remove from oven. Let cool then slice. Be sure and slice against the grain so the meat won't be stringy.

This is time consuming, but worth it!



ang said...

Hahahahah funny name for brisket!! ahahhaaha

ang said...
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